Monday, December 26, 2011

The Death Of The Wrist Watch

I have been hearing for the past year how the sale of watches and other time pieces have plunged due to the use of cell phones. People just reach for their phone when they need to know the time or they need to be woken up.

Watches are becoming less utilitarian and more like works of art. There will always be a market for these type of collectible time pieces. I am one who can appreciate the fine workmanship that goes into these.

I am still waiting for the day when they can put a phone, camera, laser cutter, climbing wire, tranquilizer dart, remote control (for the spy car) and small explosive into one wrist sized package that also will give me the time and allow me to tazer anyone who annoys me.


M. D. Jackson said...

I stopped wearing a wrist watch back in the 90's when the amazing wristwatch my wife bought me broke. Nothing else could replace it so I went without.

I rarely have trouble finding out what time it is regardless, and when I can't... well I guess it's just not that important.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I have some nice watches on chains to wear with my vests. That is when I used to dress up for work

Nathan said...

I still wear a watch, but the bands always wear out much faster than the actual watch does.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I wore the same wrist watch for years, but it was the summer of 2009 that it started to cut off my circulation, and I haven't worn one since.

I would like to be all stylish and have a pocket watch. After all, I take my phone out of my pocket and flip it open to check the time already, plus having a pocket watch would mean I would have an excuse to wear a stylin' waistcoat.

I'd have to custom design the watch for my own tastes of course.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That's EXACTLY what has been missing from my life. I don't want anything to do with a cellphone but put all it's features into a pocket watch that also contained holographic technology so that I can have a virtual keyboard and large monitor screen and we have something.

Hell that is a terrific idea. Waistcoats need to make a comback anyways. You could put the wifi reciever into the stiching of the coat.

This idea just keeps getting better and better.

OOOOOO and how about a wrist guantlet that you place the pocket watch into to access even more abilities and superpowers.

What? Too much?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Joseph Gordon Levitt is already working on bringing back waistcoats so I think we're set there.

I hear what you're saying about 3-D holograms, but when I'm waiting around in public, browsing through the photo archives on my iPod to pass time, Lets just say I'm glad, no one can see what I'm looking at expect me.

I know the Power Rangers used to have wrist mounted devices for superpower access and communication, but traded those up for cell phone based morphers around Season 10. Curiously the time-traveling rangers from "Power Rangers: Time Force" did not have a clock feature on thier Chronomorphers.