Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Haven't Looked Forward To A Movie This Much In A Long Time

I could just be the stupidest person in the world but this looks like a hell of a lot of fun. I can watch 'The Rock' in these kinds of roles all day long. He was great is the latest 'Fast and the Furious' movie which you also need to watch if you are any kind of a fan of action films.

I think these hokey character posters are pretty terrific too. They could have looked like an ad for the latest 'Spy Kids' movie but somehow avoid that tag. I have seen every possible marketing strategy for a movie that is out there. These posters are nothing fresh or new but you can't convince my brain of that which is a delightful thing for me to experience. This movie makes me feel like I am ten again and I so hope I feel the same way after leaving the theatre.

I also wanted to mention the use of 3D in this film. It looks to me like they decided to go 'full retard' on the effects and it shows. THIS is the kind of movie that you make with 3D technology.

Add it all together and you've got something really special.

1 comment:

Belle said...

Looks very cool and funny too.