Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Quote of The Day - Happy Holidays

"Why is the phrase "Happy Holidays" so insufferable to Christian fundamentalists, but not the vulgar, surfeiting exploitation of Christ's name to sell smokeless ashtrays, dessert toppings, Droid phones and trampolines? I think the Gospels are pretty clear that Jesus was no fan of merchants."


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, that IS a good quotation. And a good question.

Sarah said...

You tempt me so mightily Cal...I just got into it with my one of my more conservative Christian cousin on FB on this very topic, and now you post this.

How am I going to resist thumbing my nose at her with this quote?!?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

The UNIVERSE had decided that you should bash her with my words. Well not MY words but I quoted them. Everything happens for a reason.

Sarah said...

Ah you know me too well! I love poking the bear, especially when it comes to my Missouri cousins. It's fun & frustrating at the same time, because her reasoning is non-existent--I love creating reasoning, logical counterarguments, but when they pass over the head of the person I'm responding to, that's where frustration sets in.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I love being difficult to people who are...stupid. You can fix ignorance with education but you can't fix stupid. You go girl. I teased a guy so much once that he cried. It was in a bar and I am quite proud of that.

Unknown said...

Although, Jesus WAS a fan of pudding pops.