Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Terrified Beyond The Capability For Rational Thought

5) Forbidden Depths - Part 2
Using sophisticated underwater technology U.S. and Cuban scientists explore the rich but relatively unknown waters off the coast of Cuba. With underwater photographer Al Giddings and the submersible from Discovery Channel's landmark voyage to Galapagos, this rich underwater site is explored the first time.The scientists on board include Shirley Pomponi, a sponge expert; Tammy Frank, who studies shrimp-like species to understand adaptability; and Edie Vidder, a bioluminescence expert. The expedition identifies species new to the region and new to science.

I am watching this right now. Nothing good happens where WE can't survive. But then, crap happens where we live too but at least here we can BREATH. There are not lifeforms living that are out to do me harm. At least up here I am not ACTIVELY hunted. Damn, of course there are. Okay, it's the breathing. NOW there is footage of cephalopods on LAND. Let that one rattle around your holiday damaged brain for a second. Good lord, Discovery Channel.

Educate yourselves. Long live the fighters.

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