Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Know It's Bad

When the actual person looks worse than the freakish caricature done of them.

Fuck You Donald Trump. Kiss your ring? Kiss my ass you motherfuckin' fork using to eat your pizza douchebag egotist in which all the worst of America resides.

You are a freak show.

Why else would you think your stupid TV show makes the world a better place? What kind of lunatice thinks he can do so much more good with 'The Apprentice' than he could by being President? You problem is not just arrogance but HUBRIS.

Of course The Donald knows and all of us know that Trump is the best person to lead the free world (to hear him tell it). During bad economic times it's always good to know that a business man who LOST MONEY running 3 Casinos is out there with the solutions America needs to her problems.

I can watch Jon Stewart rip into Donald Trump all day long.


Kyna said...

Fuck Donald Trump.

Everytime I see his stupid face on TV it makes me want to throw something through the screen.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I don't know if you have ever seen Jon Stewart's pizza rant against Donald Trump. I have to find it and post it again.

Blue aka "The Creeper" said...

OMG that was hilarious!

Sarah said...

My hubby just about killed our TV when we watched the Daily Show, because despite Jon's hiliarious rants on Trump, it still angered him enough to contemplate smashing our TV.